Oct 25, 2021
Relevance For Today
Finding Hidden Treasure in the Bible Part 2
Episode 165
In this episode, I want to share some nuggets in God’s Word that we may have overlooked over the years. The goal is to give you a couple of examples of what the scripture really shares to show you how important it is to dig deeper into the word. The Bible is not a fancy well-organized novel that you read once, mentally review it and throw it on the shelf to collect dust. The Bible is much more than that. My favorite acronym that I have heard in the past is B.I.B.L.E. which stands for Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth. It’s time we get serious about digging in and learning from the most powerful Spirit-Filled Book on the planet. My prayer is that this episode will give you a revelation and hunger to dig in deeper to the word of God. Thanks for tuning in, Blessings and Love to You ALL!
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