Nov 4, 2020
Episode 114 (Replay of Episode 67)
Due to this week being election week I decided to dig in the archives and find an episode that would speak to us all during this time in our lives.
Thanks for tuning into this important episode for anyone who God is transitioning into a New Season or anyone who is about to ask Jesus Christ into their life. As many of you know it’s easy to get comfortable at times and when God calls us to step up and even step away we tend to want to just stay put. Doubt and even fear creep in because we start to worry about: how things will play out, what will people think, what if we fail, what about our past, and even questioning if it is really God calling us. This past year has been a transitioning year for my Wife and Me. The Lord has shown us some new directions in our lives as well as in Ministry. Stepping into this new season included me stepping up and making “Relevance For Today” my main focus for Ministry, Sharing the Good News about Jesus Christ around the world, and focusing on Relevant Subjects and Inspirational Writings. In order to help prepare me the Holy Spirit inspired me to read about Elijah and Elisha in 1 Kings 19:19-21.
Many of you are being called out of where you are and what you are doing because God has a New Plan For Your Life. As you will hear in this episode Elijah gave Elisha a new opportunity to step up and step out in the plan of God and he immediately burned his past and followed Elijah. God is calling His People Out into the World to do the Work of the Kingdom. Are You Ready to get in gear and get going? Erase all fear look forward and don’t look back, it’s Go Time. Remember Matthew 9:37, Jesus said, “The Harvest is Plentiful but the workers are few….” There is work to be done folks, Answer the Call and Burn the Past.
My Prayer is that this Show will encourage, strengthen, and motivate you in the right way. Please leave me some comments, testimonies, and even insights on what God has you doing. Love You All and God Bless! Enjoy The Show!
#Elijah, #Elisha, #Mantle, #Godscalling, #harvesttime, #motivation, #encouragement, #forgetthepast, #followgodscall, #focusonhim, #lookingforward, #relevancefortoday, #Christianpodcast, #StephenLewisPodcast, #Godsplan, #Kingdomwork