Sep 4, 2023
Episode 259
Bible Verses Worth Remembering Series Part 2
(*If you have not listened to the previous episodes in this Series I want to encourage you to go ahead and do that before watching or listening to this one. Thanks)
Thanks for tuning in to Relevance For Today I truly hope this series will bless you in a mighty way. As most of you know I recently completed an important series on Bible Translations which you can find by searching for episodes 251 – 253. As well as a Bible Study Series Episodes 255-257 titled Bible Study Tips, Tricks and Tools. Now I want to share some of my favorite Bible passages and verses as well as some well-known popular ones that are worth remembering in your study time and so forth. In this series, I will be reading scripture to you and sharing some thoughts about how these verses can impact our lives. The goal is also to spark a hunger for God’s word and to show you how we can relate and glean from the Bible.
As always, thanks for tuning in to another episode. Don’t forget to subscribe and share with your friends, family and even a stranger.
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