Apr 12, 2021
Relevance for Today
Receiving The Ultimate Free Gift
Episode 137
The Ultimate Free Gift of course is the gift of Salvation. As I mentioned in my previous Episode, I am sharing about Salvation the Ultimate Gift from God for the entire month of April. We started off April (2021) this year by celebrating Resurrection weekend (Easter), so what a perfect way to celebrate this month by focusing on the message of salvation. Remember please let me know if you asked Jesus Christ into your life
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#Salvation #TheGospel #JesusChrist #HowdoIaskJesusintomylife #Resurrection #TheGospelOfJesusChrist #HopeinJesus #TheGreatHope #SalvationthroughJesusChrist #focusonJesus #Godsplan #Relationship #plansforthisyear #Godscalling #Christianpodcast #Christianpodcasts #StephenLewis #Christianmessages #biblestudy #stablelanding #stablelandingchristianclothing #Relevancefortoday #thelordismyshepard #jesusismysavior