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Relevance For Today

A Voice of Truth, inspired by the Holy Spirit. Reaching out through Relevant Christian Podcasts, Biblical Writings, Bible Studies, Interviews and more, for Believers and those considering Salvation through Jesus Christ; that will help educate, encourage and Inspire. With the end goal of Jesus Christ getting the glory!

Apr 24, 2023

Who’s Qualified To Receive The Free Gift? Part 3 Revisited

Episode 240

Ever wondered who can receive the greatest Gift of All? If you have not listened to part 1 & 2, please head over, and listen to it. Well in this episode I will be sharing with you who those people are. We live in a day where we all need hope. Are you in a place in your life where you are uncertain about what tomorrow will bring? Then this is another episode with listening to. Also please consider sharing this with someone who may need it as well. And lastly if you asked Jesus Christ into your life please let me know. God Bless and Love To You All.

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