Oct 23, 2022
Episode 215
Thanks for tuning into this very special episode. I will be chatting once again with one of my Sisters in Christ and Ministry Partners: Jug. Honeyluv from Manila in the Philippines. I am blessed to have her on my show today so we can discuss her ministry, as well as her Christian Hip Hop Career and so much more. My prayer is that this episode will bless you and encourage you to get connected with her. As always thanks for tuning in and we look forward to reading your comments. Blessings and Love To You All.
Connect with Jug Honeyluv At the following locations:
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/hiphopwithchrist/
Hip Hop with Christ Facebook Group: @HipHopWithChrist
Email Address: hiphopwithchrist@outlook.com
Instagram: Hip Hop With Christ
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ButtaFlavaEntertainment
Hip Hop with Christ
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