Mar 22, 2021
Relevance For Today
Thank You for All You Do
Episode 134
There are many of you out there that over the past year have suited up, put on your masks, and continued to take care of the rest of us. Many of you work in jobs where not many convey to you how much you are appreciated; from Janitors, Store Cashiers, Food Pantry Volunteers, and beyond. This episode is for all of you out there, You Are Appreciated and LOVED and we need to verbalize it to you more often.
Thanks for tuning into this Episode thanking many of you for all you do in and out of the workplace. I originally planned to release this Episode on the 17th but due to the recent interview, I did with Pastor Jamie Hargett I wanted to post parts 1 and 2 in the same week. The Relevance For Today Podcast Show will now be Aired on Mondays! Enjoy the show and please pass this on to someone that you know who needs this. God Bless and Love to you ALL.
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